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Get AI-Driven Fraud Protection. See how Kount can stop fraud and reduce customer friction at every step of your customer journey.

Anti-Fraud Services

Developed by: Kount

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About Kount

Kount’s award-winning fraud management, identity verification and online authentication technology empowers digital businesses, online merchants and payment service providers around the world. With Kount, businesses approve more orders, uncover new revenue streams, and dramatically improve their bottom line all while minimizing fraud management cost and losses. Through Kount’s global network and proprietary technologies in AI and machine learning, combined with policy and rules management, companies frustrate online criminals and bad actors driving them away from their site, their marketplace and off their network. Kount’s continuously adaptive platform provides certainty for businesses at every digital interaction. Kount’s advances in both proprietary techniques and patented technology include: Superior mobile fraud detection, Advanced artificial intelligence, Multi-layer device fingerprinting, IP proxy detection and geo-location, Transaction and custom scoring, Global order linking, Business intelligence reporting, Comprehensive order management, Professional and managed services.

“We've built a truly strategic partnership with through cross-functional collaboration with a common goal of helping merchants securely scale their businesses with unmatched customer experience.”
Jamie Kinshella, Partner Business Manager at Kount

Use cases

  • Fraud Prevention

    Reduce chargebacks, manual reviews, and false positives to increase approval rates and revenue.